Going Long Distance
For those who have never shot long distances, nestling behind a rifle for 600-yard or longer shot can seem daunting.
With all the hype about long-range shooting these days, a “short-range” shooter might feel a little left out. I’m a die-hard hunter who believes that getting close is as much a part of the hunting experience as is making every shot a clean vital-zone hit.
As a rifle rangemaster at one of the nation’s most popular shooting academies, I’ve seen and heard of my share of excellent shooters and hunters. One that garnered my particular admiration was a sheep hunter who, having gotten his Grand Slam, was working on international species—his and personal goal was to take every one at 200 yards or under. Of course, this could have been an exaggeration, the same as those stories of successful shots at a 500-yard running elk. How refreshing to hear someone speak proudly of hunting—not just shooting—skills.
Yes, I’m a bit of a snob when it comes to hunting. Here I am, decades into my shooting career—as a guide, client, and rifle rangemaster at the nation’s oldest private firearms training facility—and I just took my first shots beyond 500 yards.